Again, but Better by Christine Riccio


YA fiction, contemporary, humor - Ages 12 to older Again, but Better: A Novel eBook: Riccio, Christine: Kindle  Store

“Shane has been doing college all wrong.” Shane gets perfect grades, and has a career path that her parents are proud for her to be in, but everything in her life is out of place. She has no real friends, and never leaves her dorm, and boys are a whole different story. So it seems like fate when Shane gets the chance to sign up for a semester abroad in London- I mean why not go to a different country to spice up your life? 

At the time Shane thought this would be her great awakening, but “easier said than done.” Soon after settling in London, she has to make hard decisions just to keep her new life from falling apart, again. Determination, and courage may be the only things that can fix the mess that Shane has gotten into. “Throw in some fate and a touch of magic-the possibilities are endless.” 

Again but Better is a magical, adventurous, and creative novel that makes me smile every time I read it! It was so heart-warming to read through this book in the eyes of Shane. From the start of this book, I was hooked, from the settings to the truthfulness of Shane’s quirky personality. 

In the beginning of this book I noticed that it was dated “Part 1, 2011.” This confused me because as I was still halfway through the book, the date never changed, so why would Christine put 2011 in the book? Then things got interesting and very unexpected! I never thought a book could take such a turn, a magical turn, but here I was aghast! Christine’s writing is so cute and creative, and I hope that everyone gets to experience this book once in their young years of life! 

The ending was so perfect and I would definitely give this book a 5 out of 5 stars! GO READ IT NOW  :) 

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