All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover  

Fiction, romance  


I have read lots, and I mean, lots of Colleen Hoover books, but I have to say this book definitely left one of the biggest dents. The beginning of this book kind of reminded me of another one of her novels, Ugly Love, because of the way two of the main characters met in the same way: the male was trying to get into the apartment of someone close to the female…both ending not in the greatest ways, lol. Anyways, the main aspect of this book is that it switches from the time Graham and Quinn met to seven years later when they are married. 


The second chapter of this book jumped right into their struggles, and it hit deeply. Obviously I can not relate to anything about marriage and infertility, but from the second chapter I was crying. Throughout the book Quinn struggles with infertility after trying for a baby with Graham for more than almost five years. It was heartbreaking having to read about their relationship slowly fading away by the day. And as I approached the end of this book, I honestly thought that Graham and Quinn might not make it together, and they would get a divorce, which would have been so sad because they needed and still need each other. But thank god, Graham finally told Quinn to open “the box.” I was waiting for this moment to happen, because both characters had a conversation about the box when they were young, but they never got around to using it until they both knew they couldn't go on together anymore. I really love when authors include notes or emails, texts, and other sorts of aspects that the characters personally created, because it adds another level of depth to being able to see the original thoughts of the characters in that specific moment. And Colleen included the notes that were in the box written from Ben, which made my heart melt.  


This book one hundred percent shows the ups and downs of lots of relationships, and beautifully illustrates how having a baby or not being able to have a baby can tear a marriage apart. I also personally loved how in the last few chapters, Colleen says that Quinn is still struggling, because that is the truth when you try to fix a marriage after seven years and without being able to have their baby. But sometimes books will just say that everything is okay, and that is not the truth. Colleen Hoover really knows how to produce a truthful, realistic, and unique story: that is why she will always be considered one of my favorite authors.   


I recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed or loves other Colleen Hoover books, or anything heartbreaking that involves romance! PS. I hope everyone is doing okay, especially with this seven degree weather, in New England, lol. Adios mis amigos, y que tengas un buen día!

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